Assessment of genetic variability among groundnut accessions under natural rosette disease infestation in Malawi


Groundnut production in East and South African region is low due to several constraints. Success in development of resilient varieties rides on genetic diversity in available germplasm for key traits in question. This study was undertaken to dissect the magnitude of variability among groundnut accessions. The experimental design was an alpha lattice design replicated thrice. Significant differences in yield traits were observed among the accessions. There was high phenotypic (PCV) and genotypic (GCV) coefficient of variation in most of the traits except for the number of primary branches and shelling percentage. A combination of high heritability and genetic advance was recorded for the number of secondary branches, height, seed yield and rosette incidence. This indicates that it is possible to carry out phenotypic selection based on the mean for successful improvement of yield and resistance to rosette disease

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