International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) and pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum] are very impor tant to the
economy and people of Mali. But, their productivity is low given the reliance on traditional, low-input
production practices. The Institut d'Economie Rurale (IER) was started soon after the country's independence
to find ways of improving the productivity of food crops in collaboration with regional and international
agricultural research institutes (e.g., IRAT, ICRISAT, CIRAD-CA) . A numbe r of improved seed-based
sorghum and millet technologies have since been developed and diffused. They were developed from two
approaches: (1) selection within local germplasm, which consisted of collecting, testing, purifying, and supplying
farmers with readily available materials. These are identified as Generation 1 materials; and (2) plant breeding,
which consisted of crossing with exotic germplasm, and pedigree selection. Outputs of this second approach are
identified as Generation 2 materials. This study evaluates the returns to sorghum and pearl millet research
investments in Mali by combining farm-level survey information from 1990 to 1995 with that from research and
extension in an economic surplus framework. The results indicate that by 1995, 30% of the sorghum and 3 7%
of the millet areas were sown to improved varieties. Th e estimated benefits from research and extension efforts
range from US16million(forsorghum)toUS 25 million (for pearl millet). These represent internal rates of
returns of 69% and 50%, respectively. A disaggregated analysis indicates higher yield gains and higher returns
to Generation 2 materials than to Generation 1 materials for bot h sorghum and pearl millet. Unit costs were also
much lower for Generation 2 materials. The major constraints cited by farmers as limiting their ability to adopt
improved materials include lack of information, lack of improved seeds, and low soil fertility. The study concludes
that the breeding philosophy should be diversified to respond to the need of the changing socioeconomic
environment with the recent devaluation of the CFA. It also recommends that efforts be made to improve the
economic farming environment to enable farmers to adopt mor e productive agricultural technologies which are
necessary for rural poverty alleviation and improvement in national food security