Glucosinolates in leaves of Moringa species grown and disseminated in Niger


Moringa leaves rank first among the most widely consumed leafy vegetables in Niger. Glucosinolate contents in leaves of five accessions of three Moringa species (M. oleifera, M. stenopetala and M. peregrina) ranged from 2.65 μmol/g in old leaves of M. stenopetala (Ethiopian-1) to 28.62 μmol/g in young leaves of M. oleifera (ICG-42). An Indian introduction, PKM-1 (M. oleifera) gave maximum leaf yield (7.5 t/ha) and had maximum consumer preference than the local (M. oleifera) and Ethiopian-1 (M. stenopetala) genotypes. Large scale dissemination of PKM-1 and use of other species under different production systems are described

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