Soil Nutrient Mapping for On-farm Fertility Management


Feeding the projected population of 9.1 billion globally and 1.6 billion in India by 2050 is one of the greatest challenges of the century, and in this endeavour to ensure future food security, efficient soil nutrient management is crucial (Wani et al., 2003; Sahrawat et al., 2010; Chander et al., 2013). Since the era of the Green Revolution in India in the late 1960s, the focus has been on only three macronutrients, namely nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K), and this has brought nutrient imbalances and widespread deficiencies of micro and secondary nutrients such as sulfur (S), boron (B) and zinc (Zn) in addition to macronutrients (Wani et al., 2009; Sahrawat and Wani, 2013; Chander et al., 2014). Most farmers and stakeholders are not aware of soil fertility issues and management alongside water and crop management, which is the main reason for large yield gaps in the semi-arid tropics (SAT). In order to ensure future food security and the future of smallholder farmers, science-led interventions are needed to bridge the yield gaps in the SAT. Some pilot initiatives such as the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)—Andhra Pradesh Rural Livelihood Programme (APRLP) initiative in Andhra Pradesh and the Bhoochetana initiative in Karnataka have shown that soil nutrient mapping is the best entry point activity to enhance productivity and livelihoods through soil-needbased fertility management (Wani et al., 2011; Chander et al., 2013; Sahrawat and Wani, 2013). This chapter therefore focuses on soil fertility management issues and the need of soil nutrient mapping for informed decisions..

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