Pearl Millet Seed Production and Processing


Seed is the vital input and driver in crop production, as seed quality determines the return on investment made on other inputs like fertilizer, irrigation, pesticide, labour etc. A poor seed quality will result in poor return despite best investment on other farm inputs, which, implies that utmost attention must be given to the use of quality seed in crop production. Therefore, every country needs a robust seed production and supply chain system as one of the key components of sustainable growth in agricultural production. A robust seed production programme is central to providing high quality seeds of improved hybrids, pure-line cultivars and open-pollinated varieties (OPVs) for agricultural development, and food security. High quality in case of seed refers to high genetic purity (true to type), high physical purity (freedom from objectionable weeds, other crops’ seeds, inert matter etc.) and high seed vigour and germination in addition to freedom from seed-borne diseases..

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