Flowering and maturation periods of Finger Millet as influenced by phosphorus and variety in different agro-ecologies in Kenya


Phosphorus is important for finger millet production in many tropical African soils with low phosphorus fertility. Knowledge of redirection of this limited resource for reproduction is fundamental in realization of potential yields. The effect of four phosphorus levels (0, 12.5, 25.0 and 37.5 kg ha-1 P2O5) and three varieties (U-15, P-224 and a local check) on the days to flowering and maturity of finger millet were evaluated in three agro-ecologies in Kenya during the raining seasons of 2014-2015. Phosphorus application significantly (P<0.05) increased early flowering and physiological maturity in Kakamega and Busia. The varieties elicited significantly different days to 50% flowering and maturation periods in all the study sites. The days to flowering and maturity were found to be lowly but negatively correlated with the grain yield of finger millet in all the sites

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