Leading to serve and empower the poor: Transformational leadership in agricultural research for development


At the dawn of the millennium, the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) witnessed a renaissance. The institution, riddled with serious financial and human resource challenges, rose to the call of the new leadership. Infused with a new verve and a burning optimism, ICRISAT embraced the phrase Science with a Human Face from the inaugural speech of its young and energetic Director General, Dr William D. Dar, turning it into both an inspiration and a rallying point for an institutional transformation. Dr Dar was appointed Director General by the Governing Board in the year 2000. From then on, proactive and strategic thinking became the order of the day. It was the beginning of 15 years of continued exploration of uncommon opportunities for inclusive and sustainable development, while tackling the twin challenges of global hunger and poverty, and fulfilling a dedication to serve poor communities in the drylands of Asia and sub-Saharan Africa

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