Postrainy season sorghum: Constraints and breeding approaches


Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) is the fifth most important cereal crop in the world. Different types of sorghum are recognized. These are: grain sorghum, dual purpose (grain and fodder) sorghum, fodder sorghum, forage sorghum and sweet stalk sorghum. Also two types of sorghums are noted based on the season of adaptation; these are rainy (wet) season or postrainy (dry) season sorghum. There are two distinct sorghum growing seasons in India, kharif (rainy season; June–October) and rabi (postrainy season; October–January). In India, the grain productivity is about 1.2 t ha-1 in the rainy season, and about 0.8 t ha-1 in the postrainy season whereas the global grain productivity of sorghum is 1.4 t ha-1 (FAOSTAT 2011). The grain sorghum requirements for these two seasonal adaptations are quite diverse due to different agroclimatic conditions (Rana et al. 1997). There has been a significant decline in area under grain and dual purpose sorghum during the rainy season due to grain molds, but the area has remained stable in the postrainy season where mostly dual purpose sorghums are cultivated

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