Association among Occupational Stress factors and Performance at workplace among Agricultural Research Sector Employees at Hyderabad, India


This study reports the results on the association among occupational stress factors and employee performance at workplace using a survey of 756 employees of agricultural research sector in Hyderabad Metro, India. The seven independent occupational stress causing factors shift work, working hours, high on job demand, lack of job control, social support, job insecurity, lack of salary rewards and the dependent variable employee performance measured. The data collected using the structured self-reported and undisguised questionnaire on agricultural research sector employees working in and around Hyderabad Metro. Using the questionnaire data was collected on general characteristics, health related issues using dichotomous variables and job characteristics – that is occupational stress factors using statements measured on a 5-point likert type scale. The chisquare test and multivariate logistic regression analysis were applied to measure to observe if any statistically significant association among the seven occupational stress factors and employee performance. The reliability of the scale used for the study and internal consistencies of the study instrument were measured using the reliability statistic Cronbach’s alpha (C-Alpha). The overall C-Alpha value for the measured at Men 0.83 and for women 0.79 and for all eight factors the C-alpha values ranged from 0.67 to 0.83 for Men and from 0.64 to 0.86 for Women. The results suggested that there was a statistically significant association between occupational stress factors like working hours/week (51-60 hrs, OR=1.41, 95% CI 1.09-1.71, p<0.01; >60 hrs/week, OR=1.94, 95% CI 1.65-2.44, p<0.01), job insecurity (OR=3.42, 95% CI 2.86-6.83, p<0.01 and social support (OR=4.42, 95% CI, 2.76-6.74, p<0.01)) effecting the performance. There are no significant differences were observed on odd rations in adjusted model

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