Impact of Climate Change on Pest Management and Food Security


Climate change and global warming will have serious consequences for the diversity and abundance of arthropods, and the extent of losses due to insect pests, which will impact both crop production and food security. Prediction of changes in geographical distribution and population dynamics of insect pests will be useful for adapting pest management strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change on crop production. Pest outbreaks might occur more frequently, particularly during extended periods of drought, followed by heavy rainfall. Some of the components of pest management such as host-plant resistance, biopesticides, natural enemies, and synthetic chemicals will be rendered less effective as a result of the increase in temperatures and UV radiation, and decrease in relative humidity. The rate of insect multiplication might increase with an increase in CO2 and temperature. Thus climate change might change the population dynamics of insect pests differently in different agro-ecosystem and ecological zones. Therefore, there is a need to take a concerted look at the likely effects of climate change on crop protection and devise appropriate measures to mitigate the effects of climate change on food security

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