Pearl Millet as an Alternate Host of the Sorghum Ergot Pathogen, Claviceps africana


The infectivity of C. africana on pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) lines in Africa was studied. C. africana consistently gave 100% disease incidence on male-sterile sorghum in experiments undertaken in Zimbabwe. C. fusiformis established disease with moderate incidence on most but not all lines tested. In contrast, C. africana established a parasitic association with all the pearl millet lines tested, with incidence as high as 23% in ICMSR 260, the genotype that also supported the highest incidence with C. fusiformis. However, the disease severities were always low, between 1 and 5%. All infections on pearl millet were verified as the sphacelial stage by virtue of their conidial characteristics. After 1 passage through a pearl millet host, C. africana did not apparently become more infectious on this host

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