Sweet sorghum: characteristics and potential


Sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) is simi lar to common grain sorghum wi t h a sugar - r ich stalk. Sweet sorghum is characterized by wide adaptabi l i ty, drought resistance, water logging tolerance, sal ine-alkal i tolerance, rapid growth, high sugar accumulat ion, and biomass. Lengthy growing per iod and high water requi rement are the disadvantages in sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) and sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris), the main sources of sugar product ion in the wor ld. These factors along wi t h the comparat ive disadvantage of molasses (higher pr ice, and water and air pol lut ion) are expected to increase the interest in sweet sorghum. The water requi rement of sugarcane is about 36000 m3, which is double that of sugarbeet whi le that of sweet sorghum

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