Effect of genotype and pretreatment of field peas (Pisum sativum) on their dehulling and cooking quality


Field peas (Pisum sativum), an important pulse crop in Australia, are consumed as human food either as whole seeds or as splits after decortication. The yield of splits is an important economic factor for processors and the cooking quality is important for consumers. Effects of genotype, other physical characteristics and pretreatment in various solutions on both dehulling and cooking quality were studied for 23 known genotypes and are market sample of unknown genotype. Large variations were found for most characteristics. Seed size was positively correlated with yield of splits while husk content and broken seeds were negatively correlated with yield. Preconditioning seeds in salt solutions improved yield of splits. Variation in cooking quality among genotypes was reduced following splitting and cooking time was reduced by decortication and splitting and by presoaking in salt solutions (10 or 20 g kg-1), particularly with sodium tripolyphosphate. Loss of seed material into cooking water was correlated with cooking time. No characteristic was found that could be used to predict cooking tim

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