Temporary and Permanent Migration in Six Villages in the Semi-Arid Tropics. Research Bulletin no. 22


This paper provides a descriptive introduction to changes in the magnitude and duration of migration in six Indian villages in the Semi-Arid Tropics between 1975 and 2005. Migration has been split into two components: temporary migration which consists of movements away from the villages for short-term periods of work and permanent migration consisting of individuals who are no longer considered residents of the villages. Since the onset of surveying in 1975, the study has registered a substantial movement of individuals and households into and out of the six villages. In the earlier period, migration flows consisted predominantly of permanent movements and were limited in size. Surveys conducted in 1992 and after 2002 indicate that temporary migration had become an occupational choice for some households in the villages. This paper describes the nature and scope of these migration flows and summarizes some basic socioeconomic features of these households

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