Comparisons of Abiotic Constraints to Chickpea Production in WANA and SAT


'rhe nlajor objective of this sccti~rils to sumrnarizr abiotic constraints affecting chickpea produc:tion ilc.ross the WANA region. 'l'hesr ronstraints will be compared with thost* in the SAT. For this purpose, thc chickpea-growing regions of Sot~thA sia will be corrsidcrt-d as rcprrsentativc of' SAT cnvironmcnts, although it is rccogni~edth ut the c:roy is grown, but to a much lesser cxtcnt, in ottrcr SA'T envirnnmt*nts such as in Australia, Mcxico, and eastern Africa. 'Thesc constraints will then be prioritized in terms of yield loss and potcrrtial fi)r allcviatiun, on the basis of current knowledge. Ways of appropriately mapping these constraints using geagraptlic informstion systctns (GIs) technology will also be considered. I t is intended that these efforts will assist in the formulation of relevant research agendas aimrd at allcviatlon of the stresses, with rational allocation of tasks hztwccn national agricultural research systcrns (NARS) and internationill agriculttiral rcsearch centers (IAHC:)

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