Serology is indispensable for the detection
and identification of plant viruses.
Recently, the highly sensitive enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and immunosorbent
electron microscopy (ISEM) techniques
have been developed and may replace
some of the conventional serological methods.
The direct or standard double-antibody
sandwich (DAS) form of ELISA. as first
described by Clark and Adams (1977), has
wide applications in plant virology. An
indirect form of ELISA (I-ELISA) has recently
been developed by Barbara and Clark
(1982). The ISEM procedure developed by
Derrick (1973) combines the specificity of
serology with coventional electron microscopy.
been adapted for the detection and identification
of several groundnut viruses. This paper
will provide a description of each technique
and its application for the detection and characterization
of viruses occurring on groundnut
in India