Six samples of Strlga hermcnthica (Del.) Benth. from sorghum and
eight from millet (Pennisetum anlerlcanuls (L.) K. Schum) were tested against
two susceptible cultivars each cf sorghum and millet in 1981 and 1982 pot
exparlments to present evldence for crc'p specificity. The Striga seed
samples were collected from latitudes renging from 10°42'N to 13O29'N
ariS ~~IiY€pSie Sti2ta ~~arro&rr ~&7k;!..:,: di~tribdtior,o f Stri~a-h -e rrcz?k!ce<.
The results indicate that sorghun cultivars were able t,o germinate and
support Striga from both sorghum and nlllet hosts whereas millets could
orily support Striga from millet. However, ~n certain regions both the
crops were attacked by both types of Striga. Extreme host specificity was
not exhibited by the Striga samples Included in the present investigation.
They represent intermediate forms which were able to attack sorghum more
than 11,~:1esti nce sorghum is more exter~slvelyg rown in the region under
study. In areas where millet Strlpa :aqjles were collected they attackfd
mlilet but also retained the capsc:ty to attack sorghums. It is sugyrst~r:
tt,;>t speclallzatlon is the outcorte of the Intensity with which a particular
i'ost crop is grown at the exclusion of the other thus creating a
r3L;roduct ~veis olation between so:gii~l...s qd ~IllIet Strlg? strains