Influence of deforestation and slope position on C and N stocks of the loess derived hillslopes of Golestan Province, Iran


C ,and N pools, populations of the microorganiS111S and the main soil physico-chemical properties were studied 011 different slope positions and land uses of the loess derived hill slopes of Golestan Province, north of Iran. The aim of this study was to detennlne the effect of deforestation and cultivation on the C and N pools in loess hillslopes. The results showed that the soils of the forest land use were l11ainly Alfisols while the adjacent deforested land use soils were mainly classified as Inceptisols indicating the lower landscape stability and loss of the previous topsoil following deforestation. Soil organic carbon (SOC), soil respiration, biomass C, population of fungi, biomass N, total N, and mineralized N were significantly higher in all the slope positions of the forest compared to the cultivated land use. Higher S9il erosion, decrease in the stability of landscape, poqr soil fertility, and finally natural disasters and loss of life are the consequences of deforestation in the study area

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