The Associated Chambers Of Commerce and Industry of India
The Indian agricultural sector needs to be revitalised to meet the demand of food and
nutritional security of a growing population amidst challenging situations. While the first
Green Revolution helped in meeting the production demands in the 1960s, the next revolution
needs to focus on holistic development of the sector and sustainable in the long run.
The next revolution has to help the small and marginal farmers in sustaining their livelihood. It
will need to provide end-to-end services to the farmer, linking him to the market and facilitating
access to better technology and other resources. The dairy revolution in the country is a prime
example of such an approach. An inclusive market oriented approach can revolutionise the
agricultural sector and attract the youth to take up to agriculture as another business venture.
An agribusiness development path involving greater productivity growth throughout the entire
agribusiness value chain provides for a solid foundation for rapid, inclusive economic growth
and poverty reduction. Improving the skill levels of the farmers can help in diversifying and
minimising the risk from the sector. This will also foster an ecosystem for innovations from
within the community