Adult learners in higher education


Copyright © 2005, Idea Group Inc., distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI is prohibited.The development and promotion of the strategic goal of the European Union (EU) to become a competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy and society (Lisbon European Council, 2000) can only be achieved with relevant technological infrastructures together with people equipped with necessary skills and competencies (European Commission, 2002). This must be supported by a well-structured initial education, constantly updated by a continuous lifelong learning programme, so that people can face the challenges of a series of new jobs, maybe separated by spells of short-term contracts or even unemployment. This continuous education programme should be available to all citizens regardless of their age and social or economic status. In a knowledge-based society, education and training are among the highest priorities because they are central to the creation and transmission of knowledge and are a determining factor for societal innovation. It is also recognized that human resources are the main assets for every organization and country (Lisbon European Council)

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