
Complexity of Monadic inf-datalog. Application to temporal logic.


In [11] we defined Inf-Datalog and characterized the fragments of Monadic inf-Datalog that have the same expressive power as Modal Logic (resp. CTLCTL, alternation-free Modal μ\mu-calculus and Modal μ\mu-calculus). We study here the time and space complexity of evaluation of Monadic inf-Datalog programs on finite models. We deduce a new unified proof that model checking has 1. linear data and program complexities (both in time and space) for CTLCTL and alternation-free Modal μ\mu-calculus, and 2. linear-space (data and program) complexities, linear-time program complexity and polynomial-time data complexity for LμkL\mu_k (Modal μ\mu-calculus with fixed alternation-depth at most kk).

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