Elevating the Role of the Medical Assistant through a Team-Based Training Curriculum


The current role of medical assistants within our primary care clinics is limited. The vast majority of tasks fall to the providers, despite the availability of other team members who may be better suited to the task. We are currently using a Team-Based Training Curriculum, modeled after the Safety Net Medical Home Initiative and AHRQ\u27s TeamSTEPPS in Primary Care to train our medical assistants in team-based care, quality improvement and standardization. The goal of the curriculum is to empower other team members to work at the top of their license, on such tasks as pre-visit planning, gap analysis and chronic disease management. Objectives: After participating in this session or reviewing the poster, participants should be able to: 1. Critically examine the roles of various team members in their own healthcare setting. 2. Identify areas of improvement within their team structure. 3. Compare available curricular materials that can be used to lead change within their healthcare setting. Presentation: 49 minute

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