
Cervical Spine Osteomyelitis after Esophageal Dilation in Patients with a History of Laryngectomy or Pharyngectomy and Pharyngeal Irradiation


Dysphagia is a common sequela of the treatment of head and neck cancer and is frequently managed with esophageal dilation in patients with dysphagia secondary to hypopharyngeal stenosis. Reported complications of esophageal dilation include bleeding, esophageal perforation, and mediastinitis. We examine four cases of cervical spine osteomyelitis presenting as a delayed complication of esophageal dilation for hypopharyngeal stenosis in patients with a history of laryngectomy or pharyngectomy and radiation with or without chemotherapy. The history of head and neck surgery and radiation in these patients further complicates the management of the cervical spine osteomyelitis

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