
Relationships between Health Behaviors and HPV Vaccine Receipt and Intentions among Undergraduate Women


poster abstractThe human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine represents an important step in reducing cervical cancer incidence and mortality. In recent years, this vaccine has been routinely recommended for females under the age of 26; however, only one-third of adolescent females have initiated the 3-shot HPV vaccine series. Although a number of studies have identified predictors of HPV vaccination, few have examined its correlations with other health behaviors. Evidence suggests that health-enhancing behaviors (e.g., healthy diet, physical activity) tend to cluster together. In this study, we examined the relationships between health behaviors and HPV vaccine receipt and intentions among undergraduate women at IUPUI. Participants (N=286) completed an internet-based survey that included measures of health behaviors (e.g., diet and exercise, vaccination history, recent physical examination) as well as questions regarding HPV vaccine receipt and intentions (i.e., likelihood of being vaccinated). Participants were, on average, 19 years old (SD=1.9). The majority were Caucasian (75%), single (90%), sexually active (65%), and recipients of the HPV vaccine (58%). Results showed significant relationships between HPV vaccine receipt and the receipt of other medical care, including a flu shot in the past year (χ2(1, N=260)=3.88, p<.05), a Pap smear in the past three years (χ2(1, N=263)=6.49, p<.05), and a recent dental visit (r=.15, p<.05). Among those who had not received the HPV vaccine, increased HPV vaccine intentions were associated with the receipt of the flu shot in the past year (r=.19, p<.05) and the receipt of HIV testing (r=.19, p<.05). However, HPV vaccine receipt and intentions were not significantly related to engagement in any of the other health behaviors (e.g., diet and exercise). Findings suggest that HPV vaccine uptake and intentions to receive the vaccine are associated with the receipt of other preventative medical care among female undergraduates

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