Beitrag zur Charakterisierung von regeneratfaserverstärkten Duroplasten


In this thesis the mechanical properties of rayon fibre reinforced thermosets were characterized in terms of fibre matrix adhesion, tensile properties and influence of humidity. The test specimen were manufactured by pultrusion with different resins (epoxy, polyester and polyurethane) and coupling agents. They were characterized by three-point bending test, shear test and tension test. The influence of humidity was analysed by storing specimen at hot-wet conditions and testing saturated specimen. The results showed that in comparison to glass fibre reinforced plastics the rayon fibres are four times lower in terms of stiffness and tensile strength. On the other side the elongation at break is four times higher. The interfacial shear strength of test specimen with coupling agent is comparable to GFRP, but saturated specimen show a lowering in the shear properties around 30 %

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