Analysis Of Candidate Genes That Suppress Chromosome Loss In Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Mutants With Defects In Chromosome Transmission


Mentor: Heidi SleisterErrors in the eukaryotic cell cycle and processes that maintain genome stability can result in abnormal chromosome number and structure (e.g., in humans- Down Syndrome, cancer). The common baker’s yeast S. cerevisiae is a great model system for the analysis of chromosome transmission as yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) can be lost or rearranged without harming the cell. In an effort to identify proteins important for chromosome transmission, yeast mutants that display increased loss of a YAC during cell division were generated. Suppressor analysis resulted in the isolation of both single and high copy yeast genomic plasmids that improve the chromosome loss defect in these mutants. Subsequent analysis revealed multiple candidate genes present within the suppressor plasmids. Each gene is being individually cloned and assayed for suppression of chromosome loss.Drake University, College of Arts & Sciences, Department of Biolog

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