Analysis of concentration-dependent effects of copper and PCB on different Chattonella spp. microalgae (Raphidophyceae) cultivated in artificial seawater medium
In the present study, the effect on the chlorophyll a and the total protein content as well as the Chattonella spp. cell viability were examined after concentration-dependent exposure to CuCl2 and Aroclor 1242. The comparison between various raphidophyte strains provides an insight into the different susceptibilities to contaminants of Chattonella subsalsa
(CSNAV-1), C. marina var . marina (CMCV-1) and C. marina var. ovata (COPV-2). The microalgae were cultivated in artificial seawater medium. Exponentially growing microalgae (8-10 days in culture) were used for exposure experiments. We observed in all three raphidophyte species cytotoxicity-mediated modifications beginning at concentrations of 150 and 200μM of the
heavy metal copper after 24 hours exposure. But interestingly, the three strains exhibited only slight differences in their susceptibility to CuCl2. C. subsalsa and C. marina var. marina cells were first affected at the chlorophyll a level and in cell viability. The total protein amount was reduced significantly only after exposure to 300μM of CuCl2. However, C. marina var.
ovata microalgae showed similar reduction curves for all three analysed cytotoxicity endpoints after heavy metal exposure. On the other hand, after Aroclor 1242 incubation the cytotoxic modification pattern indicated clearly the different susceptibilities of
the three raphidophyte strains. C. subsalsa
cells noticeably exhibited a decrease in the analysed pigment amount (30-20% compared to that of the control) already after 0.007mg/L PCB exposure. In contrast, cell viability and total protein content were slightly reduced and fell below the 50% threshold after 0.7 and 3.3mg/L of Aroclor 1242, respectively. Interestingly, C. marina
var. ovata showed almost no cytotoxic modification caused by the PCB mixture. Only the concentration of 0.7mg/L Aroclor 1242 clearly affected the cell viability. As opposed to that we observed a concentration-dependent decrease of cell viability and chlorophyll a amount in CMCV-1 microalgae. These observations confirmed that the susceptibility of the raphidophytes strains
CSNAV-1, CMCV-1 and COPV-2 is contaminant-
dependent. We showed differences even between two variants of Chattonella (Chattonella marina var. marina and C. marina
var. ovata). Furthermore, we were able to show the different mode of action of two common pollutants by simple cytotoxic parameters like total protein and chlorophyll a content as well as by cell counting analysis