Dalitz Plot Analysis of D0D^0 Hadronic Decays D0K0Kπ+D^0 \rightarrow K^0K^-\pi^+, D0Kˉ0K+πD^0 \rightarrow \bar K^0K^+\pi^- and D0Kˉ0K+KD^0 \rightarrow \bar K^0K^+K^-


A Dalitz plot analysis of the D0 hadronic decays D0 -> K0 K- pi+, D0 -> K0bar K+ pi- and D0 -> K0bar K+ K- is presented. This analysis is based on a data sample of 22 fb-1 collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy B Factory at SLAC running on or near the Y(4S) resonance. The events are selected from continuum e+ e- annihilations using the decay D*+ -> D0 pi+. Preliminary measurements of the branching fractions of the above hadronic decays are obtained. Preliminary estimates of fractions and phases for resonant and nonresonant contributions to the Dalitz plot are also presented

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