
Negotiating Reality


Our understanding of research through design is demonstrated by a close examination of the methods used in the project lifeClipper2. This design research project investigates the applicability of immersive outdoor Augmented Reality (AR). lifeClipper2 offers an audiovisual walking experience in a virtually extended public space and focuses on audiovisual perception as well as on the development of the appropriate technology. The project involves contributions of partners from different fields of research. Thus, lifeClipper2 is able to test the potential of AR for visualizing architecture and archaeological information and to challenge our understanding of perception and interaction. Using examples from our research, the paper reflects on how scenario design contributes to the production of design knowledge and explores the possibilities and variations of AR. Finally, the paper drafts our approach to design research. The three tenets of our work are: the use of scenarios as a tool of interdisciplinary research, the experimental exploration of media and the intention to make design knowledge explicit. Keywords: augmented reality; locative media; hybrid environment; immersion; perception; experience design; research through design; scenario design</p

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