Bunch Extension Monitor for LINAC of SPIRAL2 Project


Poster, TUPG59International audienceA semi-interceptivemonitor for bunch shapemeasure-ment has been developed forthe LINAC of SPIRAL2. A Bunch ExtensionMonitor (BEM) is based on the registra-tionof X-rays emitted by the interaction of the beam ions with a thin tungsten wire. Thetime difference between detected X-rays and accelerating RF gives information aboutdistribution of beamparticles along the time axis. Thesemonitors will be installedinside diagnostic boxes on the first five warm sections of the LINAC. The monitorconsists of two parts: X-ray detector and mechanical system for positioning the tungstenwire into the beam. Emitted X-rays are registered by microchannel plates withfast readout. Signal processing is performed with constant fraction discriminatorsand TAC coupled with MCA. Results of bunch shape measurements obtained duringcommissioning of RFQ for SPIRAL2 are presented

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