
The Establishment History Panel (BHP) 1975-2008 : Handbook Version 1.0.2


"The Establishment History Panel 1975-2008 V1 is a 50% sample of all establishments throughout Germany which have at least one employee liable to social security as of 30th June of a given year or, since 1999, also establishments which have at least one marginal part-time employee. This data report describes the variables of the weakly anonymous version of the 1975-2008 V1 BHP dataset, which is available to researchers via on-site use at the Research Data Centre (FDZ) or via remote data access. The BHP data are predominantly original data, with the sole exception that the original establishment numbers, which are direct identifiers for the different establishments, have been replaced by artificial establishment numbers. In order to protect the anonymity of the establishments still further, some variables are classified as particularly sensitive and are only disclosed on submission of a special application (see Chapter 1.2). The Datenreport on the BHP 1975-2008 V1 is structured as follows. In addition to the introduction, Chapter 1 contains an outline of the data as well as information regarding the so-called volume structure and about data access. Chapter 1 also contains a brief overview of the differences between this version and its predecessor BHP 1975-2006 V2.0.1 in order to make it possible for users of the older version to switch to the new one quickly. A description of the data source can be found in Chapter 2. The data preparation and data quality are discussed in Chapters 3 and 4. Chapter 5 contains detailed descriptions of the variables." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) Additional Information Frequencies and labels Here you can find the German version.IAB-Betriebs-Historik-Panel, Datenaufbereitung, Datenorganisation, Datensatzbeschreibung

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