
Konjunkturausblick des IWH für 2003: Warten auf den Aufschwung in Deutschland – Warten auf Godot?


The outlook forecasts the economic developments in the world, the Euro Area and Germany in 2003. A general tendency is given for 2004. The world economy and the US-economy are recovering in 2003 and so are providing positive impulses for the Euro Area. For Germany this impetus from abroad will most likely remain the sole driving force for the revival of economic activity in 2003. Still this external stimulus will not be able to develop its full strength, as the newly restrictive fiscal policy will lower disposable income. At the earliest the economic upturn will gain strength in the summer months. This results in an initially increased burden on the labour market and only in 2004 will a decline in unemployment be observable, albeit at a slow pace. In economic terms, the recent interest rate cut by the ECB should only be able to show modest effects. Fiscal Policy in 2003 will be distinctly restrictive.

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