
Eternal Love


[Verse 1]Oft\u27 times you ask me if the love I bear,Is like a summer\u27s breeze,Which softly comes and goes, no one knows were,and sighs with the swaying trees.If in the years to come,I\u27ll love you as today,I can but say, I\u27ll love you then, sweetheart, forever and for aye. [Refrain]Not like the winter\u27s snow,Not like a simmer\u27s breeze,Soft thro\u27 the signing trees,Not like a flower rare,not like the stars above;none can compare with the love that I bare,for mine is eternal love. [Verse 2]Do you recall the hours we spent alone?Would they could a;ways be,The tender love light in your eyes was shown, when you gave your heart to me. But soon the time will come,When we must say adieau,I only hope that we will meet above,and then our love renew. [Refrain

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