
Tho\u27 \u27Tis All but a Dream


Tho\u27 \u27tis all but a dream at the best,And still when happiest soonest o\u27er;Yet ev\u27n in a dream to be blestIs so sweet, that I ask for no moreThe bosom that opes with earliest hopes,The soonest finds those hopes untrue,As flowers that first in spring time burst The earliest wither too!Aye, \u27tis all but a dream at the best,And still when happiest soonest o\u27er;Yet ev\u27n in a dream to beblestIs so sweet, that I ask for no more. By friendship we oft are deciev\u27d,And find the love we clung too, pastYet friendship will still be believdAnd love trusted on to the lastThe web in the leaves the spider weavesIs like the charm Hope hangs o\u27er men,Tho\u27 often she sees it broke by the breeze,She spins the bright tissue again,Aye, \u27tis all but &c

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