
Vagueness and Introspection


Version of March 05, 2007. An extended abstract of the paper appeared in the Proceedings of the 2006 Prague Colloquium on "Reasoning about Vagueness and Uncertainty".We compare three strategies to model the notion of vague knowledge in epistemic logic. Williamson's margin for error semantics typically uses non-transitive Kripke structures, but invalidates the principle of positive introspection. On the contrary, Halpern's two-dimensional semantics preserves the introspection principle, but using more complex uncertainty relations that are transitive. We present a modification of the standard epistemic semantics, which validates introspection over one-dimensional non-transitive structures, and study its correspondence with Halpern's approach. While the semantics can be seen as the diagonalization of an explicit two-dimensional semantics, it affords a more intuitive representation of the uncertainty characteristic of vague knowledge. We examine the implications of the semantics concerning higher-order vagueness and the status of the non-transitivity of perceptual indiscriminability. We respond to a potential objection against our approach by giving a dynamic model of the way subjects with inexact knowledge make successive approximations of their margin of error

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