
The social capital as basis for development of the human capital


The strong side of the “theory about the human capital” is that it redefines the labour of hired workers in the developed countries. The workers become capitalists in the sense that they acquire a lot of knowledge and skills which have an economic preciousness. As an outcome from the “capitalisation” of acquired knowledge and skills, one will not meet on the labour market “hired workers and capitalist undertakers, but two autonomous groups of “capitalists”, ch of them realising an undertaking behaviour in the market relations. We are witnesses of crash in ideas and paradigms about the world, the world’s development, and the tendencies which determine this development. Is there a relation between the economic growth and social development today? Do the three generators of development work – the technologies, institutions and values? Where is the place of people in the process as individuals, as groups, as teams, as society in general? Here are some questions we will be looking an answer for, in our capital, structure of the integral capital, content of the social capital, human capital, essence of the human capital, economic growth.

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