Ethnicity and Elections under Authoritarianism: The Case of Kazakhstan
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Despite the ethnicisation of power since independence in 1991, Kazakhstan has managed to
maintain political stability without experiencing large-scale mobilisation to oppose Kazakh
domination. This paper examines government strategy to avoid ethnic voting in an attempt to
explain why ethnic divisions were rarely reflected in the struggle for power in the republic.
While the arbitrary use of legal provisions considerably limited participation in elections by
ethnic leaders, powerful pro-president parties that exhibited a cross-ethnic character were created
to curtail ethnically based movements. The control strategy in elections aimed not simply at
ethnicising the parliament in favour of Kazakhs, but at having loyal Russians and other
minorities represented in the legislature through nomination by the president and catch-all
pro-regime parties, or through the presidential consultative body—Assembly of the People of
Kazakhstan. This well-controlled representation of minorities served not only to placate
non-Kazakhs but also to provide legitimacy for the Kazakh-dominated leadership by projecting
the image of cross-ethnic support for the president and some degree of power-sharing.Ethnic minority, Election, Kazakhstan, Minority Ethnic group, Politics