
Internet Marketing in Cultural Industries: from movie to arts


Marketing skills have been developed by firms of several cultural industries for more than three decades. From movie companies to performing arts, from museums to art fairs, every stakeholder has adopted and is going to implement innovative communication strategies. Digital advertising and e-fundraising might represent the boundaries of the present and the future of cultural promotion. First of all we will explore the impact of Information and Communication Technologies in the Cultural (creative) industries, particularly referring to the benefits of visibility and improvements in communication strategies. Then we will give evidence of the impact of ICT in the movie industry, whose budget are mainly conspicuous and today targeted to the Digital Movie, above all the USA Digital Movie. Performing arts seem to be theatrical arts not subject to digital transformation, neither in contents nor in media. Italian Symphony Orchestras do really show a meaningful trend in ICT and digital marketing development. The final research’s goal is to produce a sort of classification of innovative marketing activities in the creative market, based on homogeneous, internet, digital, movie, orchestra

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