
Interstate Comparison of Output and Productivity in the Australian Agricultural Sector, 1991 to 1999


The paper examines the output and productivity performance of the Australian Agriculture sector by state from 1991 to 1999. The aim of the paper is two-fold. First, the paper is a pioneer in a series which compares the performance of each Australian state by sector starting with the Agriculture sector. Second, it introduces the Geary-Khamis (GK) method for derivation of appropriate currency converters or purchasing power parities (PPPs) to enable proper quantification of real output and productivity at the multilateral level. It is essential to use appropriate PPPs as the differences in prices of farm commodities across states pose the problem of aggregation of real output. For the benchmark year 1996-97, gross value of agricultural production reveal that Victoria was 73% of NSW level, based on Australian Bureau of Statistics data when price differentials are not taken into consideration. However, when appropriate PPPs were used, results showed that Victoria’s level had gone up to 88% of NSW level. In terms of value added, Victoria’s level with respect to NSW was 89% based on actual values and 106% based on Geary-Khamis PPPs.

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