
Measuring the impact of trade policy reform in Ireland: A disaggregated analysis of household impacts


The purpose of this paper is to assess the impacts of further trade liberalisation on the agricultural sector in Ireland. In addition to evaluating the aggregate impacts on agricultural production as well as the spill-over effect of this on the non-agricultural sector and for overall Irish GDP, we evaluate the effects for different types of households. In order to capture economy-wide impacts of the policy reform, a CGE model was formulated and implemented using a social accounting matrix constructed for Ireland for the year 2005. Household effects are captured using representative households. The simulation results suggest a positive impact on the Irish economy as well as on the representative households. Many agricultural sectors contract in the process but a more efficient reallocation of resources into manufacturing and services sectors more than compensates those losses.Trade policy, CAP reform, CGE model, Macro and welfare effects, Agricultural and Food Policy, International Relations/Trade, F13, D58, I3,

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