
Does major depressive disorder cause osteoporosis in a young man?


We recently reviewed the literature about major depressive disorder (MDD) as an additional risk factor for osteoporosis (1, 2). Most of the studies examining the association between depression and osteoporosis have been conducted in women whereas the few existing studies on depression and osteoporosis conducted in men have been limited to the elderly (3, 4). An association between depression and lower BMD has been reported in elderly Asian men (4), however, the same association was not observed in community-dwelling, elderly Caucasian men (3). Very little is known about osteoporosis in young men (5, 6). Results from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III) show that major depressive episode (MDE) is associated with 2% lower BMD at the total proximal femoral level in multivariate models in young men but not in women (5). The existence of a relationship between depression and osteoporosis in young men remains controversial

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