
Staat und politische Ökonomie in Brasilien


The transformation of the Brazilian state during the presidency of Lula (2003-2010) will be dealt with in historical perspective. First, the theoretical background will be elaborated: Theories based on Max Weber will be employed to highlight institutional factors, while approaches of political economy will introduce questions of societal power relations. Specifics of semi-peripheral statehood will be demonstrated by approaches inspired by dependency theory. On this basis, Brazilian historical legacies will be identified: slavery and patrimonialism in an externally dependent state, which was conservatively modernized in the wake of import substituting industrialization during the 20th century into a 'developmental state'. After a short liberal intermezzo during the 1990s, the Lula administration has readopted the developmentalist approach. In contrast to the 'developmental state' of the 20th century, stronger republican and socially inclusive tendencies prevail now.

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