
La Biblioteca Nacional de Chile y el nuevo código de catalogación RDA


National Library of Chile is one of the first republican institutions of the country and one of the oldest national libraries in Latin America. It was founded on 19 August 1813. Throughout its 200 years, the National Library of Chile, is recognized that not only cherishes the nation's documentary heritage and ensuring a broad life cultural facilities and in the community, but also his efforts to try to go pace with the demands of today's information society and the enormous and dynamic technological world. In this context , the National Library of Chile in order to provide an efficient and effective access to their collections with international standards guideline promoters organization and management of information resources, has led to the definition of policies and procedures of the different processes that involve the management of it , demonstrating the value of print and digital collections that make up the memory of the country , as support for educational and intellectual development of current and future generations. Therefore, and in its leadership role in collaborative projects with country -level institutions , coordinating the " RDA Interest Group - Chile " , GIRCH , with the to study and implement this new standard for Description and Access Resources ( GDR ) . This line has carried out a series of initiatives aimed at internalize this standard , understanding the FRBR model , recognizing the changes it brings, assess the impact of its implementation , developing and implementing policy consensus , etc.

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