
Quality Management and Innovation in Information Services - The case study of the Documentation Services of the University of Minho


[The present paper is based on a curricular traineeship, part of the Degree in Information Science, under the theme of the implementation of Quality Management Systems, occurred at the Documentation Services of the University of Minho (SDUM).] The SDUM have their main purpose in providing the best resources, services and easy access to all the community of the University of Minho (formed by students of several areas, teachers, collaborators and investigators). In order to fullfil the users’ needs, it was essential for SDUM to grow and mature as an organization. The main objective of this paper is to give a general vision of all the work executed at SDUM, emphasizing this project, pioneer in Portugal: the implementation of Quality Management Systems, based on ISO 9001:2000 and Balanced Scorecard, in order to obtain the services’ certification. Between the amount of steps needed for a complex process as this one is, it is important to have the perception that Libraries are now dealing with a new “generation” of users and it’s important, not only to understand their needs, but knowing how to satisfy them and supplant what their expecting. The Quality, allied, most of the times, to Innovation, is a new opportunity to change what is not working the way it was supposed to but, more important than that, to involve and motivate all the collaborators, making them feel as a real team. And it will surely reflect in the services rendered to the users. From mapping processes, to documental management, passing through the Quality Manual, Benchmarking and the issues related to the human side of this question, the present paper aims to be an example of what is Quality applied to this area and also encourag

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