
Michele Menna, Il nuovo mosaico della conoscenza. Biblioteche e bibliotecari di fronte ai processi di transizione professionale. Il caso dell'Università di Bologna. Prefazione di Everardo Minardi. Bologna : Clueb, 2002. 179 p. (Amministrare l'Università ; 8) ISBN 88-491-1875-9. 15 €


Review of: Michele Menna, "Il nuovo mosaico della conoscenza. Biblioteche e bibliotecari di fronte ai processi di transizione professionale. Il caso dell'Università di Bologna". Since universities declare themselves knowledge industries, it seems that also for us are available that thought and those realizations of organization science which before were confined in the world of for money firms. In the same way, we've had the privilege of being able to begin experimenting on ourselves a process of dissolution of the work as derived by a solid tradition. The case of librarians (and of the growing almost myriad of related professions) seems exemplary; LIS area has always been the one most positively sensible to the enrichments of professional profiles and to forms of rational work organization

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