
Agenda científica y extracientífica en vih/sida


The AIDS epidemic is a threat to society. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the participation of Latin American and Caribbean representatives at the International Conferences on AIDS with a view point of the topic of their presentations and the delegates’ affiliation. METHODS: data were obtained by searching AIDSLINE, a database prepared by the National Library of Medicine in the USA for presentations by Latin American and Caribbean countries. The authors’ affiliation was classified according to the Inventory of HIV /AIDS Information Sources in the Asia Pacific Region (UNAIDS Asia Pacific Intercountry Team) and the topic was classified according to UNAIDS International best practices. RESULTS: From the fifth to the twelfth International Conferences (1989-1998) Brazilian and Mexican authors delivered the largest number of presentations. The authors’ affiliation was mainly government institutions followed by nongovernment organisations (NGOs) and community-based groups. The presentations were on subjects such as: HIV/AIDS epidemiology, health systems, health promotion, communication and education. CONCLUSIONS: There is a striking coexistence of researchers; government officials; representatives from NGOs, community- based and religious groups; consultants and journalists at such International Conferences. The delegates appear to fulfill their role, except, possibly the scientists who require an audience knowledgeable in their own expertise

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