
High-Value Agricultural Products of the Fiji Islands Performance and Prospects


This paper analyses the performance of high-value agricultural products of Fiji Islands in terms of their production and exports during 1975-2004. Problems and key issues affecting this are discussed. The performance of agriculture was poor for traditional, semi- and highly processed products during 1975-2004. Primary products, such as copra declined by 51 percent, paddy rice by 27 percent, cocoa by 91 percent, and beef by 7 percent. Sugarcane production increased only by 12 percent in three decades. There was a substantial increase in pork, chicken, eggs, and fish production. Production of processed products, such as sugar and coconut oil decreased during the period. Butter of local content increased by 24 percent, saw log by 16 percent and stock feed by 134 percent. Volume of export of sugar declined by 12 percent, canned fish by 50 percent and coconut oil by 79 percent. There is a great potential for diversification of exports from traditional to semi- and highly processed products. Improvements in competitiveness coupled with favourable domestic trade policies are crucial for successful export performance.High-value products, less developed countries, South Pacific Islands, agricultural trade, Agribusiness,

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