Persepsi Mahasiswa Praktik Keperawatang Tentang Peran Pendidik Klinik di RSUD Tugurejo Semarang


Nursing education aims to produce professional nurses, so that in nursing education there is a process of academic education and professional education process, one of which is done through clinical learning of nursing. Clinical study of nursing is an embodiment of the implementation of nursing education curriculum to equip learners based on competence. The required role in the smooth process of clinical learning process is the role of clinical educators. Clinical educator behavior plays an important role in the learning process of learners. The purpose of this study is to determine the perception of nursing practice students about the characteristics of clinical educators in providing guidance in the hospital. This research is a descriptive quantitative research. This research method using total sampling with the number of respondents 59 students of nursing practice. The measuring instrument used was the NCTEI questionnaire that has been translated into Indonesian Language. The results of this study show that in general, clinical educator characteristics in RSUD Tugurejo Semarang has a good category of 52.5%. In each of characteristics, the ability of teaching has a good category of 55.9%, nursing competence 50,8%, evaluation 49,2%, interpersonal relationship 47,5%, and personality characteristic 52,5%. This study recommends clinical educators to improve their teaching roles, particularly on evaluation and interpersonal relationship with the students. Keywords: Characteristic, Clinical Educator, Studen

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