
Disaster Management In Central Java Province, Indonesia


Recent disasters in Indonesia have brought disaster management as the first priority of actions as government's responsibility role. A pro-active approach to elucidate the problem through concentrating on post-disaster and pre-disaster phases in addition to disaster phase has become very important management pertaining to disaster. Disaster management must be applied as an integrated and comprehensive activity. It is a continuing process not temporary action. Integration means and implies linkage in all aspects as well as dimensions and comprehensive implies broad coverage. This paper will discuss the disaster management in Central Java Province and inherent aspects ofenvironment in Central Java Province. Besides that, this paper emphasizes the role of Diponegoro University, Indonesia along with Joint Working Group on Geotechnical on Geotechnical Engineering for Disaster Mitigation and Rehabilitation (JWG-DMR) and Ministry of Public Works of the Republic of Indonesia conducting specific program in evolving suitable programs for preventing, rehabilitating and mitigating future disaster

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