Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Macrozoobenthic Community Inhabiting Sediments Under Tropical Fish Farming


Macrozoobenthic animals is one of biota that may be used to assess the impact of the activities. They inhabit sediment of water ecosystem and may respond vary at different spatiotemporal scales. The purpose of this study is to study spatial and temporal patterns of macrozoobenthic community under fish farming activities at coastal area of Tembelas Island, Kepulauan Riau Province, Indonesia. The macrozoobenthic assemblages were assessedat three sampling locations, i.e. policulture [IMTA], monoculture and reference sites. Each sampling location consisted of three stations with three replicates for each station. The data obtained were analyzed using PRIMER software V.6.1.5. to compare number of taxa (S), Shanon- Wiener diversity index (H’), and Pielou’s evenness index (e) and K-dominance cumulative curves between sites and times. The results showed that diversity index at fish farming locations (IMTA and monoculture) exhibited lower than those at reference site, between 1.58 – 2.19 and between 1.99-2.84, respectively. However, diversity at all locations were considered moderate diverse ecosystem. Meanwhile, Pielou’s evenness indexbetween locations and sampling time showed no majordifference, ranging between 0.96-0.98. Based on K-dominance curves, P3T2 station curve was positioned on the top among other curves, implying certain taxa has dominated the assemblages, i.e. Nassarius sp. (Gastropod). Keywords: aquaculture, macrozoobenthic community, organic enrichment, diversity index, and evenness inde

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